MAREA Bylaws Posted March 9, 2017

Marshfield Area Retired Educators’ Association

Article 1 – Name
The name of the organization shall be the Marshfield Area Retired Educators’ Association (MAREA).

Article 11 – Purposes

   A.  To promote the mission and goals of the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).                                                                                                                     
   B. To give educators the opportunity to exchange ideas concerning subjects of interest.
   C. To promote the social, professional and economic status of retired educators.
   D. To furnish a practical basis for unified action for the welfare of retired educators and those now in service.
   E. To work in cooperation with the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA), WREA and other organized groups in matters pertaining to the interests of retired educators.
   F. To foster good fellowship among retired educators.  
   G. To encourage retired educators to identify community needs and provide volunteer services.

Article 111 – Membership

    A.  Regular.  Membership shall be open to any retired professional educator or administrator from public or private schools, the Wisconsin Technical College System and the University of Wisconsin system and other retired school personnel.
    B. Associate.  Associate membership shall be open to spouses of regular members, other annuitants of the Wisconsin Retirement System, current teachers and friends of education.  An associate member may not hold office or vote. 
     C. Honored  Any regular member who has reached the age of eighty (80) years shall become an honored member of MAREA.  In addition, any member who is permanently confined to a nursing home or becomes disabled shall be an emeritus member.  Local members designated as WREA Emeritus or Centennial members are a part of this category.  Paying annual local dues will be optional.
      D. Dues and Voting.
             1.      Local dues for regular members shall be $15.00 per year.
2.      Local dues for associate members shall be $15.00 per year.
3.      State dues shall be as WREA stipulates.

Article IV – Officers

The officers and duties shall be as follows:
     A. President; Preside at all meetings.  Direct the progress of the unit.  Appoint committees.  Call at least one meeting per year of the executive committee and the committee chairs.  Represent MAREA at district and state meetings.
     B.  President-elect; Preside in the absence of the president.  Assist other officers with their duties.  Serve as program committee chair.  Assumes the presidency upon completion of the two year term as president-elect.
     C. Secretary; Keep minutes of meetings and all records.  Carry on correspondence of the unit.  Perform other secretarial duties as assigned by the president.
     D. Treasurer; Collect local and state dues and send to the state office.  Have charge of the funds of the unit.  Keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures.  Pay bills as instructed by officers and the unit.  Cooperate in the independent audit of the books at the end of the two year term.

Officers shall be encouraged to attend district and state meetings.

Article V – Nominations, Elections, and Terms

     A.  Nominations.  A nominating committee shall be appointed by the president in May and shall report back in August.
     B. Elections.  Elections shall be held in September with new officers installed in October.
     C.Terms.  The term for all offices is two years.  The secretary and treasurer may succeed themselves once.  The president-elect shall become president for one term upon completion of the two year president-elect term   The president-elect and the treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years and the secretary in odd numbered years.
      D. Vacancies.  A vacancy occurs through resignation or death of the officer.  A vacancy in the presidency shall be filled by the president-elect.  Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by appointment by the president.

Article VI – Meetings

       A. Regular meetings shall be scheduled on the third Monday of every month except July.  Special meetings may be called by the executive committee.
      B. If Marshfield Public Schools cancel due to inclement weather on a day MAREA is scheduled to meet, the meeting for that day is canceled and is not rescheduled.

Article VII – Committees

     AExecutive Committee.  The executive committee may act for the unit as needed between local meetings.  The executive committee shall consist of the current officers and the immediate past-president.
     B.  Standing Committees.  Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed by the president.  Each committee chair may solicit two or more additional members for the committee.
1.    Legislative.  To keep the unit informed about legislative issues and to encourage unit involvement in the legislative process.
2.   Membership/Retirement Planning.  To encourage new retirees to become members, keep an accurate list of members’ addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, and maintain membership of present retirees.  To make contact with active educators before they retire and provide them with information and guidance concerning issues related to retirement so that they become aware of WREA and the local unit.
3.   Education Issues. To study educational issues and inform members of changes in education resulting from changes in our society.  To suggest ways to support public education in the MAREA service area.
4.   Program.  Shall be in charge of arranging programs for meetings that will meet the purposes and goals of the unit, interest members and attract new members.  The president-elect shall chair this committee.
5.   Health Care.  To collect, evaluate and share information on topics related to the health interests of the membership.
6.   Community services.  To encourage community service, both in terms of providing information and expanding volunteerism.
7.   Public Relations.  To share information about WREA and our unit to expand name recognition and exposure.  Will work with the blog administrator(s) to maintain the informational blog about the unit and its activities.  The president may periodically send an email to all members containing information on upcoming programs and activities of the local unit and WREA. Members without internet access can request a print copy of the information.
8.   Sunshine and shadows.  To send cards to those celebrating special events in their lives, at times of illness or at times of death in a member’s immediate family.
9.   Scholarship.  To get information to schools about availability of scholarships and the criteria.  Assembles a committee to evaluate applicants. Supervises the follow-up required.

        C.  Temporary Committees
1.    Nominations.  Appointed by the president in May each year to develop a slate of officer candidates and to report to the membership at the August meeting.

2.   Bylaws Committee.  Appointed by the president as needed to review the bylaws and suggest revisions.  

Article VIII – Unit Volunteer of the Year

The unit Volunteer of the Year recipients of the past three years shall meet in September or October to select a nominee for the current Outstanding Volunteer of the Year and then make such announcement to the membership at an appropriate meeting.

Article IX – Amendments and Revisions

These bylaws may be amended by MAREA members at a regular meeting provided there has been a written notice distributed at a regular meeting within the same year (October 1 through September 30 year).

Article X – Change of Bylaws

Recommendation for changes to the bylaws must be approved by a vote of the general membership.  These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon adoption.
Revised March 2017

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