The Marshfield Area Retired Educators' June 21 meeting was called to order by President Cindee Loos, via zoom. Following the Pledge to the Flag, May minutes were approved. Treasurer's report was placed on file.
Health Issues: KATHLEEN HASENOHRL reported dehydration is a concern to senior citizens and gave some warning signs of deyhydration. She also reported there is a great need for blood at the area blood banks.
Membership: TRINA TIFFANY encouraged members to invite a newly retired educator to the August meeting.
Scholarship: RUBY PINTER reported Cindee Loos presented the Loyal scholarship recipient their award. Pinter read a thank you letter from scholarship recipient.
Sunshine and Shadows: CAROL BALLERSTEIN will send get well cards to three members.
Volunteer hours:Members are to continue recording volunteer hours which are due at the Sept. meeting.
WREA Foundation: Members are to send donations to Ruby Thomas.
Pension Webinar will be held June 22 at 1 PM. Contact the State Office to register
WREA directive allows in person meetings beginning in August for our local. A July Officers and committee meeting will be held in person at Country Aire, coordinated by Doreen Schultz.
Fall WREA meeting will be virtual Sept. 27 from 1-4 PM. Marea is allowed three voting delegates based on total membership.
June 25 brat fry sign up duties were reviewed by Ruby Pinter. Profits go to the scholarship fund.
Thank you from Mark Ellefson and Sales for Jesus group donations. Members with shoes to donate can bring them to the brat fry.
June birthday song was sung.
Meeting adjourned to speaker Renee Schulz, Exec. Director Professional Development Center in Marshfield. Renee reported PDC began in 1977 and now has a staff of 18 . Main office is Marshfield with another site in Neillsville. This non profit group focuses on domestic abuse of all age victims. PDC works closely with schools, health care facilities and law enforcement.. A 24 hour crisis center shelter provides services. Renee spoke about a program for high school seniors on sexual assault providing awareness needed for this age group, often on their own for first time. A child advocacy program assists children living in unsafe environments. PDC now has an Elder Abuse advocate. Renee spoke of the effect the pandemic has had on society due to isolation, lack of connection, lack of support systems and mental health issues.. PDC is funded with State dollars, Fed. and State grants, United Way, fund raisers, community support, private foundations and private businesses.
Area Retired Educators’ Association - May 17, 2021 minutes
May 17 meeting was called to order by President Cindee Loos, via ZOOM. Following the Pledge to the Flag, the April
minutes were approved.
Ruby Thomas
announced that the Treasurer’s report was emailed separately and she briefly
explained the report. If anyone has
questions they should give her a call.
They will be placed on file.
Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl recommended
that members watch for new CDC guidelines.
Issues: Doreen Schultz reported that the
budget was firm. 400 provisions were
removed. Voucher Schools received more
money (over $1300. per student) then public schools receive per student. They refused the Medicaid funding from the
Federal government also. Please contact
your legislators about the public school funding and also say you are for
federal dollars for Medicaid.
Pension: Carol Subera reminded that the raise is good
for one year.
Relations/Correspondence: Carol
Ballerstein’s report was given by Kathleen.
A birthday card was sent from MAREA to Arletta Goldhamer for her 97th
birthday and a “Thinking of You” card was sent to Mary Denk. If anyone knows of a member who needs a card,
please let Carol know. Carol will send
the minutes to the newspaper which prints them. Scholarship: Ruby Pinter reported that the scholarship
committee awarded two scholarships this year.
One went to Kayla Bremmer, Loyal.
She plans to be an art teacher in a rural K-12 school. The other winner was Cobie Ellenbecker,
Athens. He plans to be a math teacher
and coach. There were 21 applicants this
year and we have now rewarded at least one scholarship to each of the ten
schools in our area.
was nothing new for the other committees.
Please continue to keep track of your volunteer hours.
states that there can be no face-to-face meetings until October.
2021 Spring District Meeting
reports were given by Doreen Schultz, Ruby Pinter, Ruby Thomas and Kathleen
meeting highlights were:
A District Three co-director was elected.
She is Margaret (Peggy) Green from LaCrosse. She joins Lynne Kagelmann from Sparta.
Recruitment and communication strategies were discussed. They also talked about reenergizing the
people we lost.
Diane Wilcenski, WREA gave an update.
She announced that the 2021 convention will be virtual on September 27
(Board meeting), and member meeting on September 28 & 29. The emphasis will be on Diversity. There will be a virtual auction. They are developing a plan to diversify
membership and are reviewing their messaging and marketing plan. She encouraged members to participate in her
fireside chats, the second Thursday of each month from 10-11 a.m. The June 10th chat will feature
lobbyist John Forrester.
4) Effective
membership practices were presented, using as a resource a book entitled, Membership
Recruitment, available through Amazon for $17.95.
5) M.J.Woodell from AMBA discussed member
benefits. She can be reached at or call 414-750-6575. There is a
site for members to get discounts. YOU
must have a code to access information. Call or email WREA to get the code.
6) The speaker was Erica
Carroll, Alaska field representative for National Parks Conservation
Association. They were founded in 1919
as a citizen based organization that advocates in support of national
parks. They work toward justice, equity,
diversity, and inclusion for current and future visitors.
Brat Fry is June 25 and enough workers have signed up.
Birthday was wished to members born in May.
Ellefson, Soles for Jesus Director of Operations and Karla Loos. This organization collects near new shoes and
ships them to missions in Africa. Each
country has different rules and they work with 40-45 local contacts. Kayla has traveled there to help. The shoes are sorted to size and gender. The workers wash the feet of the people first
to imitate Jesus’ actions and then fit the shoes. Shoes are a blessing there because they
prevent some diseases and allow the user to walk to job interviews or long
distances in rural areas. Shipping is
expensive, about $8500. to ship 8000 pairs of shoes. If you want to help - contact Soles for
Jesus, 8835 W. Heather Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224 or contact Cindee Loos.
The Marshfield Area Retired Educators' April 19 meeting was called to order by President Cindee Loos, via zoom with 17 present. Following Pledge to the Flag, March minutes were approved.
Treasurers report was placed on file. A thank you note from Colby Food Pantry was read.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl reported on a recent AARP article regarding tips on staying healthy. Also noted was an article regarding scams.
Legislative Issues: Doren Schultz encouraged members to stay in contact with legislators regarding State budget school allocations and clean air and water.
Membership: Trina Tiffany continues Zoom assistance to members.
Publicity/Sunshine and Shadows: Carol Ballerstein reported on cards sent members and minutes published.
Pension: Carol Subera reported on May 1 pension increase
Scholarship : Ruby Pinter reported that 21 applications were received from eight area schools for the MAREA scholarships. Members continue to sign up for the June 25 brat fry to help fund the scholarships awarded.
WREA Foundation: Ruby Thomas is accepting donations.
Volunteer Hours: Karen Winkler requests members continue recording hours.
President Loos requested members forward speaker ideas for upcoming zoom meetings. She shared information on the May 5 virtual WREA spring meeting.
Meeting adjourned to speaker Shelle Kindschuh, a Life and Grief Coach with Live Evermore. Shelle told her life story growing up in the Pulaski, Wisconsin area which led to her becoming an expert in believing in and serving others. Her program included daily ways to stop existing and start living. Ideas shared include: 1. Drink water 2. Write out affirmations 3. Write out goals for next 5 years. 4 Move your body.5 Show gratitude
6. Begin the day eating breakfast. Shelle spoke about the need to love yourself and forgive yourself and others.
The Marshfield Area Retired Educators' March 15 meeting was called to order by President Cindee Loos, via zoom with 28 present. Following the Pledge to the Flag, February minutes were approved with spelling correction and speaker correction. Treasure's report showed no income, expenses paid to Feb. speaker, donation to food pantry, and $25 to WREA Foundation in Eileen Keller's memory.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl reminded members to continue safe health practices and seek the COVID vaccine.
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schultz , encouraged members to vote in the April 6 election for State Supt. of Schools and other items on the ballot. Absentee voting is available.
Pension: Carol Subera noted a positive May report is forthcoming.
Membership: Trina Tiffany continues to offer assistance with zoom. In person MAREA meetings cannot resume without the OK of WREA.
Publicity/Sunshine and Shadows: Carol Ballerstein reminded members of sending Easter cards to home bound members. A get well card was sent to member, Mary Denk. Thank you was expressed from Ruby Pinter for sympathy cards she received. Minutes were printed in the Record Review.
Volunteer Hours: Karen Winkler reminded members to continue recording volunteer hours.
Scholarship:Ruby Pinter stated three applications have been received to date. MAREA will sponsor a brat fry on June 25 from 8AM-6PM. There will be three work shifts and members are to email Pinter to sign up. More members willing to grill are needed.
WREA Foundation: send donations to Ruby Thomas. Ruby also reminded members to make contact with members she assigned previously.
Doreen Schultz stated she is phoning members to get birthday dates.
President Loos is seeking speaker ideas for upcoming meetings. She shared information on the May 5, virtual WREA spring meeting.
The birthday song was sung for members with a March birthday.
Meeting adjourned to speaker Dr. Jill Underly, candidate for State Supt. of Schools in Wisconsin.
Dr. Underly has served as School Supt., Principal, college instructor, DPI employee. She began her presentation by stating she believes in every child, everyday receiving a quality public school education. Teacher recruitment and retention are needed as is mental health resources. She discussed school report cards and stated school comparisons are often unfair due to less opportunities in poverty Districts. Underly stated she is for stopping the expansion of vouchers to private school students due to schools needing to go to referendum to pay bills to operate. She addressed the need for internet access seen as a utility not a luxury , both by schools and businesses. ESL teacher preparedness is needed. Gifted education is an unfunded mandate with few schools employing a GT coordinator. STEM curriculum is a necessity, Underly stated. DPI makes recommendations but local school boards enact. Dr. Underly recommended partnering with CESA's. Dr. Underly concluded with why many large schools are not back in face to face session. Many are not able to meet the mandates because of old buildings and old HVAC systems. Students in multi generational families complicate the issue.
April meeting speaker is Kayla Loos on Soles for Jesus, a 501 (C) (3) organization.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Ballerstein, MAREA Secretary
The Marshfield Area Retired Educators' February meeting was held via zoom with seventeen members present. Meeting was called to order by President Cindee Loos, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. Minutes were approved as printer. Treasurer's report was placed on file.A $40 donation was made to St Vincent DuPaul food pantry, two scholarship recipients received their donations.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl reminded members to seek the vaccine and continue safe practices.
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schultz discussed the upcoming primary for State Supt. of Schools position. Ruby Thomas mentioned that the Marshfield paper had coverage of the seven candidates.
Pension: Carol Subera noted a positive May report.
Membership: Trina Tiffany stated the directory is available on line and that she is available to help with zoon.
Publicity/ Sunshine and Shadows: Carol Ballerstein invited members to sign to send an Easter card to home bound members. Minutes are printer in Record Review.
Volunteer Hours: Karen Winkler reminded members to print off the volunteer hour sheet and continue recording hours.
WREA Foundation: Members were encouraged to send donations to Ruby Thomas.
Phone Tree: Ruby Thomas has send committee members contacts of MAREA members. Members are to contact Doreen Schultz with birthday date so this can be printed in next years directory.
The birthday song was sung for members with a February birthday. Carol Ballerstein invited members to send Mary Luchterhand a birthday card on her upcoming 99 birthday.
Joyce Lohr gave a March speaker suggestion. Meeting adjourned to speaker Dixie Weber, speaking on Mental health.
Dixie Weber is a retired Spencer teacher who suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder. She now works/volunteers as a peer support person helping with coping skills. Dixie stated that mental health disorders can be managed but often not cured. She spoke about anxiety, depression, bi polar and seasonable affective disorder. She stated that those suffering with mental health issues do not want advice from friends but want to be seen as a person and not identified solely as an illness. Speaker Weber stated that what is needed is another person to be there, listen without judgement. There is a long waiting list of people seeking professional help at the Marshfield Clinic because of Doctor shortages in the area of Mental Health. Dixie stated genetics, childhood factors, environment can all be linked to cause.
The Marshfield
Area Retired Educators' December 21 meeting was called to order by
President Cindee Loos, via ZOOM. Seventeen members attended the zoom meeting.
Following the Pledge to the Flag minutes were approved as printed. Treasurer’s
report was placed on file. MAREA member
Doreen Schultz was installed as Vice President.
Committee Reports:
Scholarship: Ruby Pinter reported
the two scholarship recipients will receive their check upon verification of
college enrollment. Ruby sent a thank you to all who made donation to the
scholarship fund. This fund has $2,400+ which includes the brat fry
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schultz
reported on the President Elect Biden stating the need for more testing, faster
testing, more PPE,and better tracking. Doreen suggested we contact legislators
to ask for Federal assistance with these issues.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrol
reported on recent information stating that masks made of two layers of
different fibers is best.
Sunshine and Shadows: Carol
Ballerstein reported that cards had been sent to Vivian Kramer family, plus $25
to WREA Foundation, Joyce Rannow family card and $25 Foundation, Ken
Kolek family card and $25 to Foundation, card to Joann Runge upon
husband's death. Thank you notes were received from Joyce Rannow family
and Marge Kolek. Members in attendance signed up to send a Christmas card
to senior members of MAREA.
Volunteer Hours: Reported Carol
Ballerstein was the Volunteer of the Year and members are asked to continue to
record volunteer hours.
Membership: Trina Tiffany reported
she is working on updating the Directory.
Community Action: Ruby Pinter
reported members donations have allowed the organization to contribute to local
food pantries.
New Business:
Members are encouraged to cheer on
working teachers and medical COVID units.
A discussion of the use of Zoom for
meetings took place. Is Zoom cost efficient? How to make Zoom more
user friendly. Trina offered to assist members with Zoom.
A discussion of the MAREA blog
during COVID time took place. Mary Denk has been maintaining the blog in the
Meeting Adjourned.
February February 17, 2020
The February meeting of the
Marshfield Area Educators' was called to order by President Ruby Thomas with 25
in attendance. Pledge to the flag was followed by approval of
Secretary's report and Treasurer report was placed on file. There were no
guests in attendance
Thank you notes were read fromn
scholarship recipients and Stratford Food Pantry.
Ruby Pinter reported the MAREA
Scholarship brat fry will be held May 28-29 at Festival Foods. Doreen
Schultz gave a legislative update noting the Tues. Primary.Kathleen Hasenohrl
gave a health issues update regarding the new shingles vaccine availability and
effectiveness. Carol Ballerstein, Sunshine and Shadows committee noted two long
time members, Vivian Kramer and Mary Luchterhand, celebrating birthdays
received cards.from MAREA. Joyce Rannow, former member living in West
Bend also received a birthday card.. Carol Subera noted the pension
status. Volunteer hours were recorded and Trina Tiffany is continuing to update
membership lists.Community Action chair, Cheryl Eckert reported todays
donations goes to St. Vincent in Marshfield with Ruby Thomas delivering.
WREA Spring district Meeting is May
6 at The Lodge in Mauston. Cindee Loos will lead the nominating committee
in procuring a member to fill the Vice President two year position. This
person then serves as President
for a two year term. Ruby
Thomas has volunteered to serve as Treasurer starting in October. Members
were reminded to sign up as greeter and treater. Elaine Haas announced a
March Showcase Players Show held in Colby. Anne Teska announced Tack Center Events.
Ruby Pinter won the basket drawing.
February birthday song was sung. March speaker is Brenda Bauer speaking on the
Marshfield Gifted and Talented Leadership Program in the Marshfield Schools.
Meeting adjourned followed by Ruby
Pinter "Travel Talk" on her August 2018 trip to Iceland.
Members Ruby Thomas and Trina Tiffany who have both been to Iceland contributed
to the talk.
Iceland is known as the Land of Fire
and Ice due to volcanoes, glaciers and icebergs. Iceland is about the size of
Kentucky and became independent from Denmark in 1944. Iceland has a
President and a Prime Minister and is a multi party system. Industries
include fishing, agriculture, and tourism. Population is 340,000, 3/4
live in Reykjavik, the capital city. Wages are high and prices are high.
25%sales tax is the norm. Languages spoken include Icelandic, English and
Danish. Citizens are provided cozy retirement homes, free health care and free
education. Diet includes herring, dry shark, breads and cheese. Ruby concluded
by stating the Icelandic people are a peaceful people with no crime to speak
January 20, 202Meeting
The January meeting of the
Marshfield Area Retired Educators' was called to order by President Ruby Thomas
with 27 in attendance. Pledge to the Flag was followed by approval of
Secretary's report and Treasurer report was placed on file.
Extra volunteer sheets are
available. Scholarship recipients received their money. WREA
Foundation box was circulated. Two long time members upcoming birthdays were
noted. Membership directories are available and continually updated as
needed. Doreen Schultz gave a legislative report including information on
safe school funding, the need for transparent voucher costs and district
maps. Cheryl Eckert distributed the 2020 Community needs schedule.
January recipient is the Stratford Food Pantry with Carol Ballerstein
delivering the donations.
Spring District meeting is May 6
with District Director Lynne Kagelmann presiding.
MAREA is in need of a Treasurer and
Education Committee chair. A Vice President is also needed.
Meeting greeters, treaters and 5
Minute Spotlight are needed.
Thanks to the DeSmets' for today's
meeting treat and to Carol Ballerstein greeter.
January birthdays were recognized.
AnneTeska reported on upcoming
Lucille Tack performances.
Meeting adjourned to speaker Cathy
Taylor, retired nurse and Yoga instructor leading the group in yoga
exercises Question and answer period followed.
Cindy Prust and Steve Coy spoke on
Modern Square Dancing opportunities in the Marshfield area.
The December meeting
of the Marshfield Area Educators' was called to order by President Ruby Thomas
followed by Pledge to the Flag. There were 26 members and one guest, Mary
Albrecht in attendance.
Secretary's report was
approved and Treasurer, Ruby Pinter's report was placed on file. Pinter
noted that the two scholarship payments will be made soon.
Additional volunteer
hour sheets were available to members as was the new membership
Carol Subera gave a
pension update.
Sunshine and shadows:
Carol Ballerstein reviewed members sign up for Christmas visits to homebound
members. Updates on several of those members was given.
Community Action
Project: Cheryl Eckert noted that a new schedule will be given at the January
2020 meeting.
Ongoing Business--
in need of an Education Committee Chairperson
Runge was the door prize winner
birthdays were recognized with song.
Dietsche will deliver todays donations to Kings Pantry in spencer.
program will be led by Cathy Taylor on the topic of Healthy yoga.
Adjourn Meeting
followed by a Christmas reading by Elaine Haas followed by cookies from Carol
Subera. Carol Ballerstein provided Christmas Trivia and Christmas bingo
provided by prizes from members who each bought a pound of something to the
meeting. Mavis Wood led a game of identifying animal species.
Carol Ballerstein
November 18, 2019 Minutes
The November MAREA meeting was
called to order by President Ruby Thomas, followed by Flag Pledge and approval
of Oct. minutes and treasurer's report placed on file.Vlasta Blaha was
introduced as a guest. There were 17 members in attendance. A thank you
note was read from Athens Circle of Joy for food and monetary donations
received from MAREA.
Committee Reports: WREA Foundation
box will be circulated in Jan. A new volunteer hour recording sheet was
prepared and distributed by Karen Winkler. Scholarship chair Ruby
Pinter stated this years scholarships will be awarded following receiving
grades and confirmed second semester attendance by two recipients. Carol
subera gave a pension report. Carol Ballerstein requested members visit
homebound members during this holiday season with a Christmas card and well
wishes from MAREA organization. Doreen Schultz gave a legislative update
with special mention of bills pending including redistricting and teacher
subbing. Doreen reported 43 % of US citizens live in poverty.Schultz stated
that International Democracy Organization has labeled the US a partial
democracy because of political campaign financing etc.
New Business: National Education
Week is Nov. 18-22. Foundation Challenge Program grants were given a
reminder to those who signed up to contact a local school.
Congratulations and a little gift was given to those members with perfect
meeting attendance the past year.. Spring District 3 meeting is May 6,
2020. Dec. meeting will be a brief meeting and party. Members are
to bring one pound of something to the meeting . these items will be used
for prizes.
Old Business: Mary Denk won the door
prize. Thank you to Carol Ballerstein for providing meeting treat.
Thank you to meeting greeters Cindee Loos and Dorothy Dietsche. Todays
donations goes to Marshfield Soup[ and Socks with Ruby Pinter
delivering. Members were reminded and Education Chair is needed for the
MAREA local.
Meeting adjourned to speaker, Nancy
Kramer, a representative of AMBA (Association Member Benefits Advisors)
Speaker Kramer reviewed member benefits with special mention of Long Term Care
and MASA which covers travel and has been in business since 1974 and has an A+
rating. She also spoke about Medicare cuts taking place 2013-2022.
October 21, 2019
Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance
Guests/ Correspondence
Secretary’s Report – Dorothy Halle
Treasurer’s Report – Ruby Pinter
Installation of new Secretary and Treasurer
WREA Foundation- Dorothy Dietsche
Volunteer Hours- Karen Winkler
Legislative Issues- Doreen Schultz
Pension- Carol Subera
Sunshine and Shadows- Carol Ballerstein
Health Issues- Kathleen Hasenohrl
Scholarships- Ruby Pinter
Community Action Project – Cheryl Eckert
Public Relations/Correspondence
Membership – Trina Tiffany
New Business
Ruby Pinter is in need of information concerning
our Honorable Members.
Report on the State WREA Convention held in
September at LaCrosse by: Carol
Ballerstein, Ruby Pinter, Carol Subera, and Ruby Thomas.
The decision to increase the WREA Membership dues
was made at the convention. For your
records, the new dues are on the second
sheet, starting November 1, 2019. Please
note, Associate members are now spouses of regular members who are/were not
involved in public education. Associate
members can also be Parochial Teachers.
Parochial Teachers can belong to MAREA for the yearly $15.00 dues.
Ruby Thomas will discuss The WREA Foundation
CHALLENGE Award Program. Please
volunteer to go to a local school, and give the pamphlet to the principal. Encourage your school to participate. Sign up to go to the school on the provided
list at this meeting.
Old Business
Thank you to Ruby Pinter for being our Greeter
today and Kathy DeSmet for the Treat!
Let’s sing
Happy Birthday to all October birthdays.
Today, the collected food and money will go to the
Circle of Joy in Athens with Cheryl Eckert, Mary Denk, and Carol Ely delivering
it. Next month (Nov.), the food goes to
Soup and Socks in Marshfield with Ruby Pinter and Joan Zoellner
Our speaker today is Adam Schnabel, an author, who
will be talking about adoption.
November speaker will be Nancy, a representative
from AMBA, explaining many of the member benefits on topics of Home Health
Care, Long Term Care, Medicare Supplemental Policy, Dental and Vision
Tax Deferred Annuity,
and many more benefits not mentioned here.
September 16, 2019
The September MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in Stratford
on the above date. The meeting was
called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 31 members and 1
guest speaker present.
Correspondence: Thank You notes were read from the Stratford
Food Pantry for food donations and from the family of Lindie Desormeaux for the
memorial in her honor.
The secretary’s
report was approved as read.
The treasurer’s
report was approved as printed.
Treasurer Ruby Pinter reported that a $50 donation was made to the WREA
foundation….this amount will be added to $273.50 currently in the foundation
account and will be presented at the State Convention in LaCrosse on September
23, 24, 25.
Legislative Issues: Currently some hot legislative topics are: raising the smoking age to 21, addressing the
vaping issue and redistricting. Doreen
Schulz encouraged all members to follow all legislative issues in addition to
those listed above and be active Wisconsin voices.
Membership: Dues are due.
Pension: Both are up slightly at this time.
Community Action: Members are encouraged to donate to food for their
local food pantries. Cheryl Eckert
reported that 47 million Americans currently use food banks for some or all of
their meals.
Sunshine/Shadows: Reports were given on several members who are
currently having health issues.
New Business: Elections were held
Secretary –
Carol Ballerstein volunteered, there were no additional nominations from the
floor. Vote taken – elected with
unanimous vote.
Treasurer –
Ruby Pinter acting treasurer volunteered, there were no additional nominations
from the floor. Vote taken – elected
with unanimous vote.
Pension: Carol Subera volunteered to chair this
Issues: volunteer still needed.
Members were reminded of the state convention next week.
Old Business:
Today food
donations went to the
Trinity Food Pantry of Unity. The October donations will go to Soup and
Socks in Marshfield.
Birthday was sung to the September birthday members.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Ruby Pinter introduced speaker Brigett Henschel. Ms. Henschel spoke on the loss of her
daughter to heroin usage.
Respectfully Submitted, Dorothy Halle, Secretary
August 19, 2019
The August MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 30 members, 2 guest
speakers and 2 possible new members present.
Correspondence: A thank you note was read from the St.
Vincent DePaul Food Pantry organization.
The secretary’s
report was approved with one change.
The State Convention dates are September 23, 24, and 25. Not September 25, 26 and 27. The treasurer’s
report was approved as printed.
Educational Issues: None
WREA Foundation: The foundation box was passed.
Membership: Trina Tiffany distributed envelopes for
membership renewal.
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schulz gave a report on how members
can become involved in various issues. She spoke especially on a new
redistricting law. After much discussion
a motion was made by Cindee Loos to spend up to $200 for postcards for ease of
individuals having their voices heard.
The postcards would be addressed to the office of local representatives,
senators, etc. No names of individual
political figures - in the event the names change with redistricting, election,
etc. The motion was seconded by Carol
Ballerstein. Vote was taken and the
motion passed.
Volunteer Hours: Any hours not turned in at this meeting are
to be emailed to Karen Winkler ASAP.
Scholarships: Ruby Pinter reported that there is currently
enough money for two scholarships.
Sunshine/Shadows: It was reported that three individuals were
having health issues.
Executive Meeting: Dorothy Halle gave a report on the Executive
Meeting held in July.
New Business: Three positions need to be filled. Secretary, Treasurer, and Pension
Committee. A committee will be appointed
to recruit someone to fill the Treasurer and Pension position. Carol Ballerstein volunteered to take over
the duties of Secretary.
Old Business: Happy Birthday was sung for the August
birthday members.
Today’s food went to Stratford Food Pantry. Next month it will go to the Unity food
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.
Marlene Broeske introduced the speaker for the day, David Pullmann. Mr. Pullmann wrote his autobiography and gave
colorful antidotes on what kind of things can be put in an autobiography, why
he wrote it and the process of how he wrote it.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
July 29, 2019
Five members of the MAREA Unit met on July 29, 2019. Members in attendance were:
Ruby Thomas Dorothy Dietsche
Ruby Pinter Cynthia Loos
Yearly Finances were reviewed and all is in order.
Programs for 2019-20 were discussed.
WREA State Convention to be held in LaCrosse September 23-25
will have Ruby Thomas and Ruby Pinter as delegates. One additional delegate is needed.
Membership Growth ideas were discussed. Personal contact seems to be the most
effective tool. All members will be encouraged
to reach out to retirees they know who might be interested.
Greeters will be continued at monthly meetings. Treats are optional.
The five minute spotlight will continue.
Emergency Health envelopes are still available and
discussion was held on how to distribute them.
A nominating committee will be needed for the position of
secretary. Dorothy Halle, current
secretary, has finished her terms and cannot run again at this time.
Dorothy Dietsche will continue handling the Foundation
box. The new year will begin October,
Discussion was held on volunteer hours. The decision was made that babysitting your
grandchildren is not considered a volunteer position.
State reports are due by September 30, 2019. Items
needed for reporting are volunteer hours, who is volunteer of the year and
community service projects.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
June 17, 2019
The June MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Elect, Cindee Loos and was opened with the
Pledge of Allegiance. There were 25
members and 1 guest present.
Correspondence: A thank you note was read from one of the
students who received a gift card when applying for one of the scholarships.
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved as
Educational Issues: None
WREA Foundation: None
Membership: Trina Tiffany gave a demonstration on how to
get on the WREA website.
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schultz encouraged all members to
contact and encourage our legislators to work together to solve budget
issues. Asking them to work for the
people, not party against party.
Volunteer Hours: All hours should be turned in at the August
meeting. Estimate September hours if
Pension: Bruce Stevens indicated that both core and
variable are up a little.
Scholarship: Ruby Pinter passed a photo of the two
students who received scholarships this year.
Paul Huther of Stratford and Aaron Schmeiser of Abbotsford were the
recipients this year.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl told members to KEEP
Public Relations: None
Community Action: None
Sunshine and Shadows: None
New Business: The State Convention will be held in LaCrosse
on September 25, 26, and 27.
Executive Board will meet at the Belvedere Supper Club on July 29, 2019. Lunch at 11 followed by the meeting.
No meeting in July.
Old Business: The brat fry raised $940.30 this year. A thank you to all who worked!
Happy birthday was sung to June and July birthday members.
Today’s food collection went to St. Vincent DePaul in
August donations will go to the Stratford Food Pantry.
The meeting was adjourned and Kelly Rasmussen, Nurse
Practitioner from MMC spoke on HEART health.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
MAY 20, 2019
The May MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 24 members and 2 guests
Correspondence: Thank you notes were read from the Circle of
Joy Food Pantry and the family of Noreen Zellner.
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved as
Education Issues: Carol Ballerstein passed photos of the
signing ceremony for the scholarship applicants from Stratford Schools. Discussion was held on how other signing
ceremonies were held. Students who applied
for the MAREA scholarships were presented with amazon gift cards.
Foundation: The donation box was passed.
Membership: Trina Tiffany explained to members how to set
their emails and passwords for access the WREA website. More information and instructions will be
given at the June meeting.
Legislative: Doreen Schultz introduced member Carol Subera
as the receiver of Wisconsin Association of Family and consumer Sciences Leader
of the Year Award.
Volunteer Hours: Reminder to keep recording. At the District III WREA Meeting, President
Ruby Thomas was presented with a facsimile of a check in the sum of $132,960
which represents 5,540 hours of volunteer work done by MAREA members this past
Scholarships: Ruby Pinter reported that there were 21
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl distributed handouts on
tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
Sunshine and Shadows: Shadows for two deceased members and one with
a hospital stay.
New Business:
The District
III Meeting held a mosaic which consisted of discussions about: changing the name of the WREA, a raise in dues,
and ideas for membership growth.
Challenge Award was presented to the Marathon Venture Academy for their
presentation on climate change.
The program committee for next year will meet after today’s
Old Business:
The signup
sheet for the June 5th and 6thbrat fry was passed.
The State
Convention is in on Sept. 25, 26, 27.
Birthdays were recognized.
Today’s food
went to Soup and Socks in Marshfield.
June will go to St. Vincent DePaul Pantry in Marshfield.
The meeting was adjourned and District Director Lynne
Kagelmann was introduced and presented a very entertaining program on
membership, benefits, etc.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
APRIL 15, 2019
The April MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 27 members and 4 guests
Correspondence: None
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved as
Education Issues: None
Foundation: Collections will be made in May.
Membership: None
Legislative: Doreen Schultz reminded members to be active
in contacting legislators in regard to the
upcoming budget for the State.
Volunteer Hours: Reminder to record
Pension: Bruce Stevens reported that members should be
getting notified by the first of May regarding benefits for next year.
Scholarship: Ruby Pinter reported that there are 21
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl reported on the sustainability
of our food supply and distributed a handout on suggestions to assist in
conserving our resources.
Community Action: None
New Business: Members were reminded of the upcoming Clark
County Art Tour and the drama production at the UW Stevens Point at Marshfield
Campus of “All My Sons”.
Members were asked to think about program suggestions for
next year.
Old Business: Reminder of the May 9, District III Meeting
in Wausau.
Money and food collections today went to the Circle of Joy
in Edgar. The May collections will go to
Soup or Socks in Marshfield.
The speakers for May will be representatives from WREA.
There were no April birthdays.
The meeting was adjourned and three foreign exchange
students from China spoke to the group.
Respectfully submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The March MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 27 members
Correspondence: A thank you note was read from the family of
Rose Kramer.
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved as
Committee Reports:
Foundation: The collection box was passed
Membership: New name tags were made
Legislative Issues: Members were reminded to be involved in
legislative issues of all kinds. Contact
with your local legislators is an important way to be heard.
Volunteer Hours: Reminder to members to enter their hours
Scholarship: Applications are due April 10.
Continuing Business:
Members were reminded of: the District III meeting May 9 in
Wausau, to check their calendars to sign up to work the brat fry, and of the
date for the State Convention September 25, 26, and 27 in LaCrosse.
Money and food donations collected today went to the
Community United Pantry in Colby. Next
month the collections will go to the Circle of Joy in Edgar.
The April meeting will feature foreign exchange students.
The birthday song was sung for March birthday members.
The meeting was adjourned and three members spoke on their
travels. Carol Subera spoke about her
trip to the Czech Republic, JoAnn Runge spoke on her trip to Thailand, and Ruby
Thomas spoke about her trip to Israel.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The February
MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in Stratford on the above date. The meeting was called to order by President
Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 28 members present.
Correspondence: Thank You notes were read from the Stratford Food
Pantry and Ashley Frederick.
The secretary’s report was approved with
two corrections. The program for the
above date was a presentation by a Master Gardner and Czech Republic was
spelled incorrectly.
The treasurer’s
report was approved as printed.
Committee Reports:
Foundation: Collections will be made next month
Membership: New name tags will be made
Legislative Issues: Members were encouraged to be alert to all
legislative issues especially educational issues and were encouraged to be
involved, whether it be letter writing, emailing, calling, etc.
Volunteer Hours: Reminder to all to record their hours.
Public Relations: A plan is in place for recognition of
students planning on going into education.
CESA is now offering a one year course whereby individuals who have a
college degree can get a teaching certificate after completing this one year
Pension: Both the core and variable are down. Members should know by the end of April what
the final numbers will be.
Scholarship: Final payments to the two scholarship winners
from last year were made. The new
applications are out for this year -deadline for returning is April 10.
Sunshine and Shadows: Reports were made on various members who are
in ill health, one who lost a partner, and one who was named Citizen of the
Year, and those who have milestone birthdays.
Community Action: Food collected this month went to St.
Vincent’s in Marshfield, next month it will go to the Community United Pantry
in Colby.
New Business:
Brat Fry
June 5 and 6
The Altrusa
Club in Marshfield is collecting items which will be sent overseas. Donated household items can be dropped off at
Thimbleberry Book Store in Marshfield between February and April.
The office
of treasurer is still open.
Continuing Business:
Dates to
Fair – February 23 in Marshfield
District III
Meeting – May 9 in Wausau
Convention – September 25, 26, 26 in Lacrosse
The birthday
song was sung for February birthday members
The March
program will be our own members speaking on their various travels.
The meeting was adjourned
and Sue Wilford a Wood County Master Gardner spoke on the Master Gardner
Program. She spoke on how to get
involved and what responsibilities went with being a member.
Respectfully Submitted by
Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The January MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 27 members
The secretary’s report was approved with
one correction. What was written as the
Marshfield University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Campus should be written as
the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Marshfield Campus.
The treasurer’s
report was approved as printed.
Committee Reports:
Education: Round six for grant money has been submitted.
Foundation: The foundation donation box was passed.
Membership: Letters have been sent to past active
Legislative Issues: Medicare has closed the “donut hole” on brand
name drug costs.
Volunteer Hours: A reminder to all members to keep recording
their hours.
Public Relations: No report
Pension: Both the core and variable were down at the
close of the year.
Health Issues: Members were reminded to get their flu shots
if they have not done so. Also to be
mindful of careful hand washing especially during the flu season.
Scholarship: The two scholarship winners from last year
sent their grades and a copy of their second semester classes. They will now receive the second half of
their scholarship money.
for this year are out and are due back by April 10.
Sunshine and Shadows: A report was given on member E. Bennett.
Community Action: Food collected this month went to the
Stratford Food Pantry. Next month it
will go to St. Vincent’s in Marshfield.
New Business:
Officers for the positions of secretary and treasurer are
needed for next year.
Health Envelopes were available for distribution. Members were encouraged to take and
The WREA Challenge Award is focusing on middle schools this
The Cultural Fair will be held in Marshfield February 23
from 10 to 4.
Continuing Business:
Members were
reminded of the District III Meeting and the next State Convention.
The birthday song was sung for the January birthday member.
The February program will be members of MAREA speaking on
their various trips. Some of the topics
will be about trips to Israel, the Czeck Republic, Iceland and Thailand.
The meeting was adjourned and Ashley Frederick, Marshfield
Realtor gave a very informative talk on how/when to get a house ready for sale.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The December MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 27 members
The secretary’s
report was approved as printed.
The treasurer’s
report was approved as printed.
Committee Reports:
Education: Carol Ballerstein reported that the next
grant monies will be used for signing ceremonies for those students who apply
and receive scholarship money from MAREA.
Along with a ceremony, an Amazon gift card will be presented to each
Foundation: Money will be collected in January.
Membership: Trina Tiffany will be sending letters to
members who have not renewed their membership.
Legislative: Doreen Schultz spoke on global warming. In the future she hopes to have speaker on
the subject.
Volunteer Hours: Members were reminded to fill in their hours
in the binder.
Public Relations: Carol Ballerstein reported that the small
local papers in the Stratford and surrounding areas printed news she presented
in regard to MAREA.
Pension: Both the core and variable have dropped.
Health Issues: No Report
Scholarship: Ruby Pinter reported that last years’
scholarship winners would be getting their second $500 as soon as she gets
their grade transcripts and their 2nd semester schedules.
Sunshine and Shadows: Carol Ballerstein asked members who took
cards to shut-ins to speak on their experience.
Community Action: New schedules for food pantry deliveries are
New Business:
McCabe was presented with the Volunteer
of the Year Award. Annette was
presented with a certificate recognizing her over 412 hours of volunteer
The Central
Wisconsin Literacy Council is looking for volunteer tutors.
Bauer representing the Continuing Education program at the Marshfield
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Campus presented the PAL Program to
Continuing Business:
District III
Meeting will be May 9, 2019
for today went to King’s Pantry in Spencer.
January the donations will go to the Stratford food pantry.
Members were
asked to sign up to be greeters and treaters.
The birthday
song was sung for the December birthday members.
The January
speaker will be Ashley Frederick from Century 21.
The meeting
was adjourned and members enjoyed Xmas Bingo, singing, etc.
Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The November MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Thomas and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 32 members and
guest Karen Bloczynski present.
Correspondence: A thank you note was read from the Circle of
Joy Food Pantry.
The secretary’s report was approved as
The treasurer’s report was approved as
Committee Reports:
Education: Carol Ballerstein spoke on possible use of
next grant monies. After discussion,
Carol and committee will present more information at the December meeting.
Foundation: Money will be collected again in January.
Membership: Printed membership packets were available for
those who wanted one. Members were reminded
to pay their dues if they have not done so.
Public Relations: Carol Ballerstein asked members to contact
people who have not been to a meeting for a while. Christmas cards were made available for
delivery to those people.
Sunshine and Shadows: Member L. Christianson is in CCU.
Legislative Issues: Doreen Schultz asked members to be pro-active
with legislators on issues. This month
she encouraged members to email their representatives on the drug price issue.
Volunteer Hours: Members were reminded to enter their hours in
the binder.
Scholarship: Ruby Pinter indicated that the $500
scholarship money for the two winners would be sent to those students as soon
as second semester schedules were received.
Community Action: Cheryl Eckert asked members to indicate on a
signup sheet if they would be willing to deliver the monthly collections to the
various food pantries.
Health Issues: Kathleen Hasenohrl spoke on holiday stress.
Pension: Bruce Stevens indicated that both the core
and variable have dropped at this time.
New Business:
Ruby Pinter spoke briefly on the State
Convention which was held on September
Ruby Thomas thanked all members who assisted with the Retirement
Seminar. Over 85 people attended. A special thank you to Ruby Pinter for
organizing the event.Several members indicated that they had delivered treats to various
schools for National Education Week.Volunteer of the Year Award will be
presented at the December meeting.
Five Minute Spotlight was on Linda Dosch.
Linda gave a talk on how she got into education and the various schools
she taught in.
Continuing Business: The Dec., 17 meeting will be the Christmas
Party. Ugly sweaters are encouraged.
Happy Birthday was sung for the November birthday members.This month food donations go to Soup or Socks in Marshfield, next month
to King’s Pantry.
The meeting
was adjourned and Ciara Schultz from the Aging and Disability Resource Center
of Central Wisconsin presented a very informative program. Handouts were distributed on how/where, etc.,
members could find assistance on many topics seniors deal with.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The October
MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in Stratford on the above date. The meeting was called to order by President
Ruby Pinter and was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 37 members and guests Dave
Schoepke and Dale Rauen present.
Correspondence:Thank you notes were received from
the Stratford and Unity food pantries.
Attendance awards were given to Dorothy Dietsche, Mary Denk and Barb Viegut.
Thank you
gifts were given to Marlene Broeske treasurer for the past four years and Ruby
Thomas VP for the past two years.
Ruby Thomas
was installed as the new president and Cindee Loos was installed as the new
The secretary’s report was approved with the correction of misspelled
Cindy Loos’ name to Cindee Loos.
The treasurer’s report was approved with the
addition of $126.27 in the grant fund which was not printed on the report.
Committee Reports:
Public Education – Ruby Pinter reminded members that National Education Week is Nov.
Pension –
Bruce Stevens reported that both the Core and Variable are coming up very
Foundation Box
– Dorothy Dietsche passed the Foundation Box
Health –
Kathleen Hasenhorl had sheets available with information on healthy cracker,
bread spreads, etc.
Sunshine and Shadows – Ruby Pinter announced that member Mary Denk lost her husband in
September and expressed sympathy on behalf of the group.
A new Sunshine and Shadows reporter
is needed.
Membership –
Trina Tiffany reminded members to pay their dues.
Public Relations – Carol Ballerstein reported that there is $126.27 left in previous Ed
Grant Fund.
She would be willing to write another
grant if someone would help her with input.
Trina Tiffany volunteered to assist.
Volunteer Hours
– Karen Winkler distributed a new form for member reporting.
New Business:
November 1 is the pre-retirement
seminar being hosted by MAREA at the Marshfield High School. Members were asked to volunteer to help,
bake, etc.
State Convention – Carol Ballertsein,
Ruby Thomas, and Doreen Schultz gave short talks on the various sessions they
attended at the convention.
Continuing Business:
The “Great Things Are Happening Here” program at the Roehl/Marshfield
Library will not be represented by MAREA due to lack of materials to
The MAREA books were audited by
Kathleen Hasenhorl and Dorothy Halle and found to be in order. Report on file.
Names were
drawn for door prizes.
Members were reminded of the May 9
District III Meeting to be held in Wausau.
The next State WREA Convention will
be held in LaCrosse September 23-25, 2019.
Food donations from today went to
Circle of Joy, Athens. Next month to SOS
in Marshfield.
The birthday song was sung for
October birthdays.
The November meeting will be held
November 19 with a speaker from The Division on Aging Center.
The meeting was adjourned and Dave
Schoepke gave a talk about kids in crisis, focusing on the personal loss of his
son to suicide.
Respectfully Submitted by Dorothy
Halle, Secretary
The September MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in Stratford on the above date. The meeting was called to order by President Ruby Pinter and was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were 26 members and two guests present - Karen Heil and speaker, Deb Delie.
The secretary’s report and the treasurer’s report were approved.
Committee reports:
WREA Foundation - $252 has been collected
Membership – Trina Tiffany reminded members to pay their dues
Pension – Bruce Stevens indicated that both the core and variable are coming up slowly
Volunteer Hours – Karen Winkler expressed concern that people are not turning in their hours. After discussion it was decided that a monthly sheet would be circulated at every meeting for people to entertheir hours. Karen will devise the sheet to include items she needs to report on.
Community Needs – Cheryl Eckert will replace Doreen Schultz for this committee
Scholarship – Ruby Pinter shared an article from the Marshfield Hub City Times which had printed a photo and an article about last year’s MAREA scholarship winners.
Sunshine and Shadows – Mention was made of Linda Christianson.
New Business:
Cindy Loos was nominated as new President-Elect. Kathleen Hasenohrl made a motion for a unanimous vote to elect Cindy, Doreen Schultz seconded. Ballot unanimous.
Ruby Pinter will step in and act as treasurer until a new person can be found.
Kathleen Hasenohrl and Dorothy Halle will audit the books from the past year before the Octobermeeting.
Ruby Pinter and Ruby Thomas will man the booth at the Roehl Public Library for the “Great Things areHappening Here” event.
Continuing Business:
Discussion was held on the State Convention being held 9/24, 25, 26 at Stevens Point. Those members who signed up to work or attend certain meetings, etc., were given a reminder of their obligations.
The birthday song was sung for September birthday members. Today’s food donations were for theTrinity Food Pantry in Unity, next month for Circle of Joy, Athens.
Speaker for October will be Dave Schoepke, speaking on suicide in an all American family.The meeting was adjourned and Deb Delie, Marshfield Lions Club Puppy Raiser for leader dogs was introduced. Deb gave a very interesting talk on her responsibilities in raising puppies for leader dogs for the blind.
Respectfully submitted, Dorothy Halle, Secretary
The August MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President-Elect Ruby Thomas and was opened with the
Pledge of Allegiance. There were 29
members and two guests present.
Committee Reports
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved with
one correction – balance brought forward was $4,100.88, not $4,125.88.
Education: Carol Ballerstein presented a $100 check from
the WREA for the Educational Grant.
There are
still a few “The First Days of School”books
available for those members who would like to present one to a first year
First year
teachers from last year who received one of these books are invited to come
back to talk to our group if interested.
Membership: Members were reminded to pay their dues for
next year.
WREA Foundation: The donation box was passed.
Pension: Pension numbers started out
slow but are gaining.
Volunteer Hours: Members were reminded to get their hours
recorded and up to date as these numbers will have to be submitted in late
Community Needs: Doreen Schultz has resigned from this
position. Cheryl Eckert will take over.
No Sunshine and Shadows Report
New Business:
A Retirement Planning Seminar will
be hosted by MAREA November 1, 2018.
Members were reminded that
membership in MAREA is open to both public -private school
Continuing Business:
Brat Fry: $390.66 in sales and donations
Executive Board Meeting: A brief summation of the Executive Board
Meeting held in July was given.
Members were reminded of the State
Convention to be held in Stevens Point 9/24-25.
Three alternate delegates
are needed.
The Volunteer of the Year will be
chosen after the September meeting.
There is need of a new treasurer –
members are asked to consider this position.
donations were for the Stratford Food Pantry, next month for Trinity Food
Pantry, Unity.
Speaker for September
will be Deb Delie, Marshfield Lions Club/Puppy Leader dog trainer.
The birthday
song was sung for the June, July, and August birthdays.
The meeting
was adjourned and Linda and Bill Bauer were introduced as speakers for the
day. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer gave a very
interesting and informative presentation on their trip to Cuba.
submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
July 30, 2018
Nine members of the MAREA Unit met on July 30, 2018. Members in attendance were
Pinter– President Mary
Denk – Blog Manager
Thomas – President-Elect Barbara Viegut –
Member at Large
Broeske – Treasurer Kathleen
Hasenohrl – Health Issues
Halle – Secretary Trina
Tiffany – Membership
Schultz – Community Action
Yearly Finances were reviewed and all is in order.
Programs for 2018-19 were discussed.
WREA State
Convention in September was discussed and various members signed up to attend
sessions/and or be greeters.
Greeters will be continued at monthly meetings. Treats are optional.
The five minutespotlight will continue.
Committee chairs for next year was discussed – more will be
discussed at monthly meetings.
A retirement seminar for retirees will be hosted at
Marshfield – date to be decided.
Members in attendance went over a checklist on
organizational structure, committee structures, membership plans, and community
The meeting was adjourned at 1 pm.
The June MAREA meeting was held at the Country Aire in
Stratford on the above date. The meeting
was called to order by President Ruby Pinter and was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance. There were 24 members, 2
guest speakers - Bryce and Maxine Luchterhand, 2 guests - Jane Wagner and Steve
McCabe present.
Correspondence: A thank you note from scholarship winner Luke
Denniston from Pittsville was read.
Committee Reports
The secretary’s
report was approved as written. The treasurer’s report was approved with
corrections of $26.27 for Education Grant, and MAREA Balance of 2259.26.
Education: Carol Ballerstein announced that there will
be one guest at the August meeting. This
is one of the teachers who received the book “The First Days of School”.
Membership: New member, Lois Glinski, was introduced.
Continuing Business:
Members were reminded to sign up to work at the brat fry
scheduled for June 20.
The treasurer’s position is open at the next election –
members were asked to think about taking the position.
Members were reminded to continue to enter their volunteer
New Business:
Discussion was held about possibly
hosting a retirement seminar this fall.
Today’s donations of food went to St. Vincent DePaul in Marshfield,
the August donations will go to the Stratford Food Pantry.
Lois Glinski gave a very interesting five minute spotlight
Jane Wagner gave a presentation on a fundraiser for the
Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities.
Members were reminded that there is no July meeting. The next meeting in August will have guest
speakers Mr. and Mrs. Bauer on their Cuba trip.
The meeting was adjourned and Maxine and Bryce Luchterhand
gave an excellent talk on their trip to Vietnam.
Respectfully submitted by Dorothy Halle, Secretary
AREA Minutes
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