Remember to bring food donations to the March


Every month donations are sent to a food pantry in the area

Donations go to

Community United Pantry, Colby
Delivery persons Elaine Haas, Carol Subera, JoAnn Runge

Delivery persons:  Dorothy Dietsche

Peanut butter & jellies, canned fruits, vegetables and meats, paper products, personal hygiene products, cereal, cleaning supplies, laundry & dish soap, boxed dinners

Annette McCabe was presented with the Volunteer of the Year Award.  Annette was presented with a certificate recognizing her over 412 hours of volunteer service.

President Pinter announced that MAREA received a facsimile of a check in the sum of $185,240.98 which represents the dollar value of the volunteer work done by MAREA members last year.


President Ruby Pinter is presenting Romelle Byers with the 2017 MAREA Volunteer of the Year Award.
2017 Brat Fry 
Linda Dosch, Carol Ballerstein, and Ruby Pinter were busy selling hotdogs, brats, hamburgers, and cheese burgers, plus a variety of sodas at the brat fry in Marshfield.  The money raised is used for the MAREA scholarship
President Ruby Pinter showed a facsimile of a check in the amount of $158,684.35
which represents 7037 volunteer hours from MAREA members.
Brat Fry

A big thank you to Joan Zoellner for organizing the brat fry to raise money for the MAREA scholarship.  Ruby Pinter who organizes the scholarship is helping Joan.
Ruby Tomas and Barry Brubaker are busy making brats, hot dogs, and hamburgers.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the brat fry.  A total of $775.00 was raised for the scholarship program.
President Kathleen Hasenohrl presented a 2016 check from WREA
 to Karen Winker representing the amount of $76,657.22.  The check represents 3,518
volunteer hours from the the MAREA Unit.

MAREA members Doreen Schultz, Diane Ritzinger, Mary Denk,
Carol Ely, and Cheryl Eckert volunteered at Athens Elementary School for the
2015-2016 school year.  

At the District III meeting in Sparta, MAREA received a facsimile of a check for $133,198.32.  This represented 5,068 volunteer hours reported by members in the last year of MAREA meetings.   President, Kathleen Hasenohrl and District III Director, Carol Subera proudly hold the check.

Anne Teska  set up a MAREA display at the Marshfield Library Event on November 11, 2012.  Ruby Pinter was at the library event, too .   They had several inquiries about MAREA volunteer hours and the community action project, and they also handed out some health information envelopes.

Karen Winkler is displaying the WREA check for volunteer hours!

December 17, 2012
Donations of food and money were delivered to the Stratford Food Pantry.

Everyone who brings a food donation or money for a local food pantry, has a chance to enter their name into a drawing. The member whose name is selected receives a free luncheon through the MAREA.

1 comment:

  1. MAREA is to be commended for the high quality and variety of topics that are presented at the monthly meetings. The members of the organization have much energy and work well together. The Blog is kept up to date, is very informative and is easy to navigate -- much appreciated. Keep up the fine work!!
